Balancing life and study: Can it be done?

If you’re like most people, you probably have a sense that higher education can help you go further (and faster) in your current job or career path. But with work or family commitments, your self-development may seem like it has to take second place behind after everything else.
We hope this short article answering 3 frequently asked questions can help dispel some misconceptions about the time required for study and help you think twice about balancing life and study.
1. Can I Fit Studying Into My Life?
By doing study part-time and online, you can!
At Alphacrucis, all our courses have part-time options and most courses have online, self-paced learning modes.
What do we mean by "part-time"?
Anything less than a full study load of 4 subjects per semester is considered part-time.
You can even start part-time with as little as one subject per week. That equates to roughly 6 to 12 hours per week, depending on which course you are enrol in. Vocational (VET) and Diploma subjects need around 6 hours per week, while Bachelor's and Master's subjects require about 10 to 12 hours per week.
Using the Bachelors level subject as an example, the 10 hours per week typically contains 2 hours of class content and 8 hours of self-paced readings and preparation for assessments. We find that those who are well organised and efficient learners can complete their self-paced learning in less than average time.
Online options saving you time
Most of our courses have an online option, so you don’t have to travel to our campus to be in a classroom. Online classes are offered pre-recorded or via live Zoom, and if you happen to miss a live Zoom class, the recordings are available for you to catch up on classes anytime.
2. I Am Not Very Academic. Is Studying For Me?
Absolutely. Here are 2 reasons:
Practical in nature
First, our courses are designed by people who work in industry to equip you practically, so by nature the classroom experience is engaging. We are not academic for the sake of being academic.
Our Teacher Education courses cover topics like classroom management and child development and psychology – these are taught by practitioners who connect the theory to real-world practice and situations, equipping you with the critical skills you need to succeed as a teacher. Similarly, our Chaplaincy and Counselling courses are designed and taught by people who work as chaplains, counsellors and psychologists, so you get the latest and most relevant industry practice.
Our assessments are also practical in nature and specific to the roles or sector that our students will work in. For example, in Ministry and Theology courses, essay topics can form a strong basis for you to write a sermon or lead a Bible study.
Personal and academic support
We offer lots of support to ensure your success. You'll receive personal attention whether you attend on-campus classes or study online.
For fully online students, each subjects has 3 to 4 opportunities for live discussions and tutorials during each semester. These live sessions are where you can get personalised help from lecturers and tutors, and learn in community with peers. Plus, many lecturers and tutors run weekly open office hours where you can drop in and get help. We also offer 24/7 academic support with Studiosity to help students with their assignments, plus a free student wellbeing and counselling service for additional support.
Lastly, all Alphacrucis students are welcome on our campuses around Australia anytime to get help. We host weekly chapels and regular gatherings on campus every semester to provide our students with a community and support network.
3. Can I Afford to Study?
If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen, FEE-HELP is available for you. Essentially, this is a loan program offered by the Australian government to help fund your studies in higher education. More information can be found at the official FEE Help webpage:
Try before you commit
For those that are still unsure, most people don't know you can start a course for a few weeks before you have to commit financially. This is called the census date and it falls on week 4 from the start of semester (or about 25% of the way through a subject) - you have until this date to decide if studying is right for you. If for whatever reason you cannot continue with your studies, you can choose to withdraw before this date without incurring any financial commitment*.
In summary
Hopefully this article has helped you to understand that studying can fit into your life.
You can achieve your job and study goals with flexible part-time and online options, practical courses and financial support through FEE-HELP.
Our staff and extensive support system are designed to help you succeed, no matter your academic background. Join us and see how easily you can fit study into your life and advance your career.
* A nominal processing fee my apply. Intensive subjects have their census date fall on the second day of the subject, ie. withdraw before day 2.
Please note this article is addressing domestic students - primarily Australian citizens. International students on a student visa are subject to different attendance and study load requirements, as specified by the Australian government.
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